Materials :
- transparency :
- how to enable/use transparency in GLScene
- understanding/testing the effects of ordering to
get the right effect with transparency + Z-Buffer
- texformat :
- using alternative texture formats and texture
compression in GLScene
- viewing the (visual) effects of texture formats
and texture compression on sample textures
- texanim :
- "animating" a texture via material
- using the material library for a texture
animation effect
- Fire2D :
- a dynamic (animated) texture evolving in real-time
- using Graphics32 ( to generate texture maps at run-time
- multitexture
- multitexturing in GLScene via a MaterialLibrary
- using multitexturing for basic lightmapping
- cubemap :
- using cube environment mapping to simulate reflections/chrome
- setting up a cube map under GLScene
- mirror :
- multipass :
- multipass rendering with a custom TGLShader
- fast wireframe hidden lines rendering
- dyncubemap :
- generating cube maps dynamically, at runtime
- using cube environment mapping to simulate reflections/chrome
- customquad :
- adding materials to a material library at run-time
- rendering your custom OpenGL code with
- using standard materials in custom OpenGL code
- procedural :
- procedural (animated) textures demos
- view and adjust interactively parameters for a Perlin noise procedural texture
- procedural clouds :
- a transparent extension (Note requires RGBA textures)
- Seed and Random number file computation were added
- multimaterial :
- applying multiple materials/textures to an object through using the GLMultiMaterialShader component
- texcombine :
- TexCombineShader demo / mini-lab
- Material Script :
- Scripting capabilities for automatic material loading